Panorama Pet Hospital now offers DNA health screening for your dog. With greater than 99% accuracy, our new DNA tests screen for more than 230 genetic health conditions and unlocks breed ancestry, which can inform health care.

With just one cheek swab, your veterinarian can learn actionable insights and create a personalized care plan for your dog. Together, we can be proactive and improve your dog's health! Contact us at (818) 786-4300 to take the next step in providing for your dog's wellness and schedule a DNA test.

  • Does Your Pet Have an Abscess?

    Could that lump on your pet's body be caused by an abscess?

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  • The Do’s and Don'ts of Pet Summer Safety

    Do you know how to keep your pet safe this summer?

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  • The Most Common Vaccinations for Your Cat and Dog

    Do you know what vaccines your cat or dog needs?

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  • Preparing for Your Kitten’s Developmental Milestones

    Need to hone in on your kitten knowledge? Check out the milestones your new pet will reach during its first year.

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  • What Is Ataxia in Dogs?

    Could balance or gait issues mean your dog has ataxia?

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  • Fish

    If you’re thinking of getting a pet fish, you should know that your veterinarian has a lot of good advice about pet ownership. Fish can be very rewarding as pets, and you just may be surprised about how much fish actually interact with their owners. Here’s more valuable information about choosing

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  • Caring for Senior Cats

    Thanks to advancements in veterinary care, today’s cats can live well into their teen years. It is not uncommon for cats to live to be 18 or even older. However, in order for cats to live a long full life, they need proactive veterinary care to stay healthy. As cats age, they are at greater risk for

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  • Feline Stomatitis: Treatments

    Cats rarely display their pain, but cats with feline stomatitis are often the exception. If your cat appears to have mouth pain, is reluctant to eat, doesn't want to groom, is drooling, and doesn't want you to open its mouth, it may be suffering from this debilitating, degenerative oral condition, and

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  • Feline Leukemia Virus: What You Need to Know

    Feline leukemia (FeLV) is a virus that weakens your cat's immune system. Unfortunately, when the immune system does not function properly, your cat may be more likely to develop other diseases, such as cancer and blood disorders. How Cats Contract Feline Leukemia Cats get feline leukemia from other cats.

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  • Family Cats and Pregnant Women: Take Measures to Prevent Toxoplasmosis Infection

    Nothing must spoil the joys of becoming a new parent. Not even your pets. But family cats with normal, every day habits can pose a risk to expectant women. Women's immune systems can be disturbed by a parasite carried in fecal matter. If you're the primary caretaker of your family's feline friend it

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  • Create an Environment Your Cat Will Love

    The Journal of Feline Medicine and Surgery confirms that feline emotional wellbeing, behavior and physical health are a result of how comfortable they are in their environment. Understanding how our cats interact with their environment can help us create a space for owners and cats to mutually thrive

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  • Catnip: Why Cats Love It

    Few things stimulate a cat's pleasure faster than catnip. Exposure to this simple herb can reveal a new side to their feline personality. Many cats will go crazy at the smell of this plant. Catnip has a reputation of being a feline drug and many cat owners wonder if it is safe to give it to their pet.

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  • Zoonosis

    Zoonosis refers to diseases that can be transmitted to humans from animals. In particular, they occur when an infected animal passes on bacteria, parasites, fungi or viruses to humans through scratches, saliva, feces and urine. Vectors (e.g., organisms like fleas and ticks) can also carry zoonotic diseases

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  • Sugar Gliders

    Thinking of getting a sugar glider? These tiny marsupials are energetic and friendly, making them popular choices as pets. Though they weigh less than a half-pound, they're more closely related to kangaroos than they are flying squirrels. If you think a sugar glider would make an ideal pet for your family,

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  • Epilepsy

    Epilepsy (often referred to as a seizure disorder) is a chronic neurological condition characterized by recurrent unprovoked seizures. It is commonly controlled with medication, although surgical methods are used as well. Epileptic seizures are classified both by their patterns of activity in the brain

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  • Seasonal Care

    Heat Stroke Heatstroke may kill or seriously injure your pet—but it can easily be avoided by adhering to the following tips. Never leave pets in cars on warm days. Exercise your pet during the cool part of the day. Look out for rapid breathing, loud panting or staggering; these can be signs of dehydration,

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Read What Our Clients Say

  • "I have nothing but good things to say about Panorama Pet Hospitals Dr. and staff. Took my dog in for a dental exam and Dr. Suman addressed the problem immediately. Dr. Suman and the veterinary assistant were so gentle with my dog and made him feel very comfortable. I ended up booking a deep cleaning and I could not have been happier. Dr. Suman took great care of my dog and got his teeth cleaned. All I can say is if you want a trust worthy doctor and a kind staff head over to Panorama Pet Hospital you wont regret it! Thank you again Dr. Suman and staff!"
    Tanya D.
  • "I was contemplating coming here due to the distance. Since I was extremely unhappy with our previous vet. I took the hour's drive. Needless to say, was one of the best decisions I made in my dog's life. Our initial visit was let me just say first impressions go a long way. Dr. Prabhakar showed great concern immediately about my dog Molly's condition. I have worked closely with doctors throughout my career and I have a good intuition on whether a doctor genuinely cares about their patients and Dr. Prabhakar does. A lot of Doctors just prescribe medication. Without determining the underlying problem. When I leave all my questions and concerns are answered. The staff there are so nice and friendly. Tammy is the best! No matter how busy she is she takes the time to stop and listen to me and answers my questions. Definitely worth the drive. I wouldn't go anywhere else."
    Sabrina M.
  • "Came across Doctor Suman after looking for a vet to perform surgery on my kitty leg ! I went to 5 different
    opinions until I found this Doctor! He explained everything in detail and told me exactly how the work would be
    done, I felt so comfortable! He did a fantastic job! Thank You Doctor Suman and Staff! My dog needed the same
    surgery and Doctor Suman was there again performing his magic! He truly cares and has love for every animal
    that comes through his door! The entire staff is full of love and caring hearts!"
    Susie M.
  • "I love this vet so much. Dr. Suman is so smart and kind. Everyone here is very accommodating and whenever
    I've come in stressed and worried for my pet, they are so comforting. It is always a quick and easy experience
    and one of the less expensive vets. Thank you for all your help!"
    Amber F.
  • "This wonderful office squeezed an appt in for my cat's urinary tract infection. They were kind and considerate,
    and accepted Care Credit. Since I lost my teaching job during Covid, the doctor was very compassionate and
    affordable. Thank you, Dr. Prabhakar!"
    Elizabeth F.
  • "Dr. Suman really cares for his patients. Personally even does follow ups and calls to check on how his patients
    are. He respects the pet parents and understands that life us difficult- he presents the real scenario and issue and what needs to happen but also presents options on how to go about the situation if needed."
    Cris Q.
  • "Dr. Suman is the best Veterinarian. I brought my dog in extremely ill suffering from ITP. He was able to place her
    on the right medication to control her illness. The way he demonstrated care, nurture, compassion and
    responded quickly was the best care my fur baby could have received. Thank you Dr. Suman and the whole."
    Erika G.
  • "I've been bringing my cats to dr. Suman for many years now. I find him to be caring and a great vet. They've
    got a wonderful new addition to the team in Dr. Gupta. She is helping me with my cat Joey who has dental
    issues. I feel very confident with her. The ladies in the front office are very nice too."
    Susan M.